Dosthill Colts FC

If you have a safeguarding concern click here or contact our CWO on 07862 737701

General contact details
and information for those with concerns

If you are interested in becoming part of our club as a player or official / coach then please contact:

Dave Peel – Chairperson

Tel: 07568552655

For any person in the club who has any concerns regarding the welfare of a club member, behaviour of children, coaches or parents from either our own or opposition clubs please contact:

Michele De Paola – Club Welfare Officer

Tel: 07862 737701

You can also access help via:

The CEOPS website –
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command

The NSPCC website –
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

File a report:
Contact info:

Please rest assured that Dosthill Colts has robust measures and procedures for dealing with any concerns. If you have a concern about any aspect of our club the protocol below will be put into place:

Dosthill Concern Protocol

Got a concern?

If you have a concern about any aspect of our club, please click on the Info button below for details of the appropriate action to take.